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Update Account Information

Need to add your email address?

As of April 5, 2019, a valid email address is required on all rewards accounts.

Please provide the following information to update your account.  If you have any difficulties with this, do not create a new account.  Instead, CONTACT US and provide your telephone number and we will be glad to assist you.

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GTC Reel Rewards:

  • 10 Reward Points for every dollar you spend at Georgia Theatre Company, Gift Card purchases excluded. 
    Points expire 12 months from date earned

  • Redeem Points for the following:
              700 points = Any Candy
              1,000 points = Medium Popcorn & Large Drink,
                                      or any one size Popcorn or Fountain Drink
              1,500 points = Combo #2 (Medium Popcorn, Large Drink, & Candy)
              2,000 points = Ticket
              2,500 points = 3D, GTX, LX Ticket

  • Free Popcorn for your Birthday!
    A FREE Medium Popcorn will be automatically added to your account on your birthday.  You have 12 months to redeem the free popcorn.

  • Discount Tuesdays
          Enjoy $3.00 Small Popcorn and $3.00 Regular Drink for you and your family EVERY Tuesday!

  • Savings on Popcorn and Fountain drinks everyday!

Activate your online rewards account

Date of Birth There is an error with the date of birth field. Please check and try again.
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Email address may already be associated with another account, please contact Customer Service for assistance.
Email address may already be associated with another account, please contact Customer Service for assistance.
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